The Behavioral Science Of Incentives: Where Academic Research and Business Intersect

Sales incentives are the bridge between GTM strategy and execution. Done right, they can drive growth, improve profitability, and retain top sales talent. But not all sales incentives are created equal. The most effective incentives are data-driven and rooted in psychology.

Once you understand what motivates your sales force, it's easier to create a plan that drives the right behaviors. The result? More reps hit quota, and your company hits its growth goals.

Not sure if your sales incentives pass the test? Watch our expert panel to learn:

☑️ The psychology of incentives: what drives salespeople to perform at their best?

☑️ How insights from behavioral and decision sciences research can be applied to your sales incentive plan

☑️ Nudge-based strategies for best communicating the plan and the potential to the sales team

☑️ How to measure the effectiveness of the plan using modern statistical methods

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